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How to Get Family Allowance

In this article, we will cover how to obtain family benefit and all the details necessary to process this benefit.


Understanding what Family Allowance is

Family benefit is a financial benefit that is granted to parents or legal guardians of children and adolescents. This benefit is common in many countries and is usually provided by the government. The main objective of family allowance is to financially assist low-income families, in order to guarantee the well-being and education of the child or adolescent.

In Brazil, for example, the family allowance or family salary, as it is also known, is an amount that the federal government passes on to low-income workers for each child up to 14 years of age or disabled child of any age.


The requirements for applying for Family Allowance

To obtain family benefit, there are usually some requirements that must be met. Firstly, the applicant must have dependents who are children or teenagers or, in some cases, people with disabilities of any age. In many countries, the applicant must also be within certain income limits to be eligible for this benefit.

In Brazil, the right to family allowance varies according to the worker's remuneration. The lower the worker's income, the higher the benefit value.


How to apply for Family Allowance

In many countries, applying for family benefit can be done online, through the website of the responsible government body. In Brazil, for example, the family allowance request is made by the employer or, in the case of a freelance worker, by the union or labor management body.

The application process generally involves filling out a form and providing supporting documentation, which may include birth certificates, proof of school enrollment, and more.

Maintenance of Family Allowance

To continue receiving family benefit, you must fulfill certain obligations, such as maintaining your children's school attendance and regular health checks.

In Brazil, the employer is responsible for maintaining the payment of the family allowance since it is he who deducts the amount related to the benefit from the INSS. And in the event of dismissal, retirement or death of the employee, the benefit payment is transferred to Social Security.


Family benefit is a fundamental benefit for many families around the world. Although the process for obtaining this benefit may vary between different countries, it typically involves meeting certain requirements, such as having eligible children or dependents and being within a certain income limit.

In addition, it is important to be aware of the obligations to continue receiving family benefit, such as maintaining children's school attendance and ensuring that regular health checks are carried out. With all this information, we hope you are better prepared to navigate this process and obtain family benefits in the best way possible.