Como corrigir erros de missão de horda sem fim em Warhammer 40K: Darktide - Olá Nerd

How to fix endless horde quest errors in Warhammer 40K: Darktide


Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be a never-ending bug!

There's nothing like being he heard by a developer. Especially when we find a bug in our favorite games and start to wonder…


Is it just me? or are there others? In Warhammer 40K: Darktide, players are reporting a bug affecting the game's UI in confused ways.

It appears that this bug shows the 'Endless Horde' modifier even in missions that are not affected by said modifier. So let's dive into this bug and find out if there is any immediate fix.


How to fix endless horde quest errors in Darktide

luta de chefe em darktide
Image via Fatshark

I have some Good news… and some OK news. The good news is that There are no known fixes for this UI bug.

It's good news because although there are no known fixes, descriptions of this bug in action make it seem somewhat benign In general.

But, the good news is that Fatshark developers were informed about the bug. What's more, they are working to fix it as quickly as possible!

According to a thread on the Fatshark forums posted by user FatsharkQuickpaw, the team has been made aware of this bug.

“The developers have confirmed that this is a UI bug and whether or not the condition is applied depends on what the mission selection screen said. The developers are looking into this,” the user wrote.

Related: Minimum and recommended settings for Warhammer 40K: Darktide

So, unfortunately – this is a case that will require a bit of patience on behalf of the community. If you are struggling with this bug, do what you can to avoid it for now until it is fixed.