Como Solicitar Maquininha Turbo Pan - Olá Nerd

How to Request Turbo Pan Machine

Planning to grow your business and looking for a reliable payment solution? Then the Turbo Pan Machine could be exactly what you need.


What is the Turbo Pan Machine?

The Turbo Pan Machine is a lightweight and portable device that allows you to accept payments in cash, credit cards, debit cards and even PIX. In addition, it has quick approval of transactions and offers an efficient payment experience for its customers.

Its main differentiator lies in its speed of releasing money. With Turbo Pan, the money from sales arrives in your account in just 30 minutes, whether in your Banco Pan account or in other banks, an important attraction for those who need a quick cash flow.


How do I order the Turbo Pan Machine?

Requesting the machine is a very simple process. The first step is to access the website of Pan Bank. On the website, look for the “Maquininhas” option and click on “Request”.

On the page that opens, you fill out a form with personal and business data. After that, your request will be submitted for analysis. Once approved, you will finalize your order and can choose to receive the machine via home delivery.


We highlight that the request can also be made through the Banco Pan app, available for Android and iOS. The process is similar to that described previously.

Advantages of using the Turbo Pan Machine

In addition to allowing quick approval of sales, Turbo Pan has other relevant advantages for the entrepreneur. Among them, we highlight:

Payment flexibility

With the Turbo Pan machine, you can receive payments in up to 12 installments and offer the option of selling by debit or credit to your customers.

Competitive rates

Turbo Pan offers competitive rates compared to other machines on the market. You can check all rates on the Banco Pan website or app.


Another great advantage is the support that the bank offers to users. If there is any problem with the machine, there are customer service channels available 24/7.


Investing in the Turbo Pan Machine can be a great way to expand your business opportunities. With it, you guarantee a quick way to approve transactions, which generates fast cash flow, and has the flexibility to receive payments both by card and via PIX.

Remember that requesting the machine can be done quickly and conveniently, both through the Banco Pan website and app. In addition, you can count on competitive rates and support always available to meet your needs.

Finally, regardless of the size of your business, investing in efficient and reliable payment methods can mean the difference between a company that prospers and one that fails to keep up with the market. Therefore, seriously consider the Turbo Pan Machine as an ally for the growth of your business!